There are several problems and factors that I would like to address that contributed to the downfall of this manga. Kano-san decided to cut his losses and make this manga a quicky. With the main character trapped inside a mirror, this could only lead to a stalemate and no progress would be made with the story past a certain point. The only problem was that Kano-san was looking for a romantic comedy alone (which I have no qualms about), but that meant his scope was drastically narrowed into a short lived manga. This had me thinking of all the possibilities this could lead to or what the mangaka had to work with. I was sold by the premise of this imprisonment and what the characters were able to do with it. The backbone set up from the first chapter is phenomenal. The only way to escape this despairing world inside the mirror is to share a mutual love with the one you admire. with him not in a hospital bed but inside a mirror. Now, in present time, the same incident happens yet again, He has a crush on Satomi Mao and even saved her from a tragic accident when they were younger. Kagami no Kuni starts out with our typical adolescent lead, Harisugawa Tetsu. However, Kano Yasuhiro decided to go a different route, and the result was not as pretty as I expected it to be. The pilot chapter showed much potential for this piece, with me thinking that it could be carried on for a good 70 chapters or so. Kagami no Kuni no Harisugawa is an unfortunate manga that never reached its true potential, in my opinion. Little do they know, their friendly relationship will be subjected to misunderstandings that might hinder Harisugawa's chances at freedom-especially since Harisugawa himself is unaware of how Satomi truly feels about him. In this sudden twist of fate, Harisugawa and Satomi work together to uncover ways to undo the mirror's curse. But this time, he ends up trapped inside a dark, endless realm within the mirror Satomi bought. Harisugawa, like in the past, swoops in to save her. She stumbles upon Harisugawa afterward, only to find herself face-to-face with an oncoming car once again. However, everything starts to change when one afternoon, Satomi passes by a thrift store and ends up buying a strange mirror. Harisugawa has feelings for Satomi but does not want to confess to her due to the fear of losing their current friendship. This has since been patched out.EditSynopsis Ever since rescuing her from nearly being hit by a car when they were kids, Tetsu Harisugawa has been on friendly terms with the beautiful Mao Satomi. On earlier versions of Old-gen console, it was possible to use the Magic Mirror to gain permanent invincibility by using it before invincibility ran out.

The mirror has one of the longest base use times in the game, and is one of the few that have it listed as " Snail speed".In video games, it is common for them to be used as a magical means of transportation between distant locations, into secret spaces, or even into other dimensions.